Vacation Bible School
Pray that God will provide workers for the harvest. Ask God how you personally might respond to the need for workers in our church.
Pray that workers will understand that their greatest contribution to VBS will not be how well they present a Bible story, sing a song or make a snack, but how well they build relationships with the children, teens and adults attending VBS.
Pray that VBS leaders will see that the true potential of VBS is not just the week of VBS but the weeks that follow as relationships are built through continued connections.
Ask God to give church members a vision for intentional follow-up.
Thank God for the professions of faith that will be made during VBS. Ask Him to help church members disciple these new believers, that they in turn will be used of God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
VBS doesn’t just happen. It requires work and resources. But most of all it requires prayer.
Vacation Bible School - An opportunity to present the Gospel to the lost, a need for us to grow closer to God, a time to fellowship and work together with our brothers and sisters but most of all we want to please and glorify the Father by lifting up His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ!
Pray that workers will understand that their greatest contribution to VBS will not be how well they present a Bible story, sing a song or make a snack, but how well they build relationships with the children, teens and adults attending VBS.
Pray that VBS leaders will see that the true potential of VBS is not just the week of VBS but the weeks that follow as relationships are built through continued connections.
Ask God to give church members a vision for intentional follow-up.
Thank God for the professions of faith that will be made during VBS. Ask Him to help church members disciple these new believers, that they in turn will be used of God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
VBS doesn’t just happen. It requires work and resources. But most of all it requires prayer.
Vacation Bible School - An opportunity to present the Gospel to the lost, a need for us to grow closer to God, a time to fellowship and work together with our brothers and sisters but most of all we want to please and glorify the Father by lifting up His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ!